Lexile: 940L
Core Art Standards:
VA5: Develop and refine artistic techniques.
VA7: Analyze artistic work.
VA10: Synthesize knowledge and experiences to make art.
CCSS Anchor Standards:
R1: Make inferences and cite textual evidence.
R2: Determine central themes.
R4: Interpret words and phrases.
Essential Question: What methods and processes are considered when preparing artwork for presentation?
Enduring Understanding: Artists consider a variety of factors and methods when preparing and refining artwork for display.
Vocabulary: bordered, closed shape, concentric circles, flat colors, fluorescent lights, industrial, industrial materials, light, monumental, mood, negative space, positive space, repeats, segment, shaped canvas, space, time, torques
Materials: Computer or interactive whiteboard, “Graphic Organizer: Working With Ideas” skills sheets from Lesson Plans 1 and 2,